
SHIT!!!! I can not believe it has been over 5 months since I posted! I so sorry.

I finally think I have some motivation now. I am sad to say ,I am not going to finish

the Blue Fox comic, but I may pick it up again eventually when i have more time.

For I love where the comic was going. Ok, with that said I would like say I will

have a brand new comic up soon. This one actually be funny. I am going in this one

with a new partner of mine , so the art may seem different to some people. I will have

more info later. So expect the site to look different in the next couple of months.



OK, I am ready now! For all of you that have been reading my web comic from the

beginning maybe wondering what the hell is up with all the weird shit. Examples would

be the wings, the eyes ,and most likely anything that would not make since. Well the next

chapter will focus on that. So I should have tomorrows and Saturdays comics done.

Also on a different note tomorrows 9/11, so show some patriotic sprit  damn it! . So on that 

note I shale leave you with a quote I saw on the back of a pick-up truck. It said "FIGHT



Sorry for not updating lately but I haven't been able to get on the internet

due to the fact my stupid sister will not get off the phone. So I am going

to have to take extreme measures if something doesn't change. So I am

sorry for the lack of content.


Good news! I have the comic done, but I need to scan it and color it. 

Since I have to work today I should have it up by 10pm.I also would

like your input on something. If you could change something about my

site or the style of the comic what would it be. Email me your answer

@ firefox2345@hotmail.com with the subject as Blue Fox. If I use

your idea I will send you a original sketch.


Sorry for the lack of updates lately, but it been really hard finding free time

lately. The reason is I just got a new job and it's really cuts into my free time.

Look here once in a while for updates. For I should have a comic Monday, but

it is hard to tell.